Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Slight updates

I've read two books before summer vacation finished, and I have to write up a review for one of them, not sure if I want to do the other.

Loretta Chase - Don't Tempt Me
Sherrilyn Kenyon - Acheron

Come to think of it, both of these books have some similiarities...in the sense that our main characters whose points of view the books are generally written in have both been trapped into slavery by their owners.  One gets horribly abused, the other is cherished but both of them just want to get out.

Additionally, I like how Facebook grants us the ability to directly communicate with our favorite authors.
School in the morning.  I'll bless my new laptop with writing up that book review tomorrow.  Right now I'm writing this on the old laptop.  Yes I do have a new laptop.  I got it last Thursday after ordering it the Friday before last.  It's pink.  And it's a VAIO.  But that doesn't mean I love this laptop any less.  It just needs to be fixed.