Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Secret Wedding, by Jo Beverly

Holy crap, I'm not even that far into the book, like, maybe about less than 50 pages in...

I don't get it.  This is completely shitty and painful to read.  I need to get rid of this.  Ebay's got a lot of them on sale...I guess other people thought the book was shitty as well.

1 star.  I can't even.  1 out of 5.

Lessons from a Scarlet Lady, by Emma Wildes

This was one of the two most recent books I'd picked up at Barnes & Noble, and it's actually quite a good read.  It's blunt and straight to the point, very much so.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My Darling Caroline, by Adele Ashworth

Yes, it's that time again for writing another book review.  Today we have My Darling Caroline by Adele Ashworth.  At first I was under the impression when I bought the book that the husband and wife (Brent and Caroline) were estranged, just like the couple in Eloisa James' book, An Affair Before Christmas (I've read it, will review someday but not anytime soon).  But I was oh so very wrong.

FYI: This book is actually a reissue, originally published in 1998 (just found this out).

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Oh my friggen book list...

Since I just finished Reese's Bride by Kat Martin (previous book review), I went to my shelf to see what books I had left.  Summer is ending at the end of this month, and I resume school on the 29th.  It turns out I have a lot of books to get through before then, and depending on my interest level, not all of them are going to be read.

Now normally I have a handwritten list that I put on an index card, but my pile of cards have gone missing for ages, and of course, my book collection just keeps growing and growing.  So here's everything I have to go through, via pictures.

Reese's Bride, by Kat Martin

The second volume in the Intoxicating Brides Trilogy (Honestly, what kind of a name is that?  So far they've been good reads but...Intoxicating Brides?  Come on!) and another speed-read.  I first read Royal's Bride sometime while I was doing cardio at the gym last year (I find it really, really hard to read romance novels where people can see me in public) and liked it so I decided that I'd buy the rest of the trilogy when the books came I did.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Beguiled, by Shannon Drake

I read this one sometime last year or two years ago.  Most likely last year.  If you've seen Disney's Sleeping Beauty, you're definitely going to recognize elements from it.  I can't exactly say if it's good or not, so just to be safe, I'm giving it a 3.5 out of 5 rating.  Actually on my Book List chart I gave it a 4, so it must've been good.

How I Met My Countess, by Elizabeth Boyle

It's 3:46 AM.  I find myself still awake and reading this nice little pink book, which I picked because of the color and the artwork (Jon Paul, how can I resist?) some time ago in Borders when it wasn't bankrupt (sometime last year).

Anyway this book has two periods, first when the guy (Justin Grey, Earl of Clifton) actually meets the female that will become his countess (Lucy Ellyson), and second, seven years later when they meet again.

Yes, it's heart-wrenching.  Yes, it has my arms tingling (not because of numbness but because of the heart-wrenching).  I can't give it a five-star though, it doesn't deserve that.