Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Promise by Brenda Joyce

Okay, I had actually read this book in the span of two days (the second being an overnighter that ended at 5:00 AM) sometime two weeks ago...I believe it was around the 18th.  I meant to write about it sooner but I've been swamped with stuff, mostly having to pack for my trip which was last weekend.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Good things come to those who wait

On some of my vlogs (DuchessPinkbunny via YouTube) I keep talking about romance novels and especially romance novel authors.  And I certainly talk about Brenda Joyce a lot.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Kinley MacGregor (Sherrilyn Kenyon) - Taming the Scotsman

I actually finished this book last week but don't have much to say about it.
FYI: I read this ages ago, but it saved as a draft.  Don't know why I never published it till now.

Sue-Ellen Welfonder's "Seducing a Scottish Bride"

From what I've read so far, this entire story takes place within two or three days.  Maybe even four.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Coming home to a lovely surprise

Shit, I don't even update what new books I get anymore...BUT

I don't even remember signing up for these but I'm pretty sure I did!  So yeah, I was coming home from the beach (beach day with one of the bestfriends) and there's this envelope on the table for me - already opened (thank you nosy Mommy) and and and IT'S FROM SABRINA JEFFRIES WHAT?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What is this?

I've come across an article link that Karen Hawkins posted on Facebook, where someone else wrote that, "studies show romance novels are bad for women."

The heck?

Karen Hawkins link to article

After my further Googling

Oh yeah I'm currently reading Sue-Ellen Welfonder's "Seduction of a Scottish Bride."  It's summer vacation and I'm ready to lose myself in my fantasies.  That's not a crime, is it?