Thursday, August 4, 2011

How I Met My Countess, by Elizabeth Boyle

It's 3:46 AM.  I find myself still awake and reading this nice little pink book, which I picked because of the color and the artwork (Jon Paul, how can I resist?) some time ago in Borders when it wasn't bankrupt (sometime last year).

Anyway this book has two periods, first when the guy (Justin Grey, Earl of Clifton) actually meets the female that will become his countess (Lucy Ellyson), and second, seven years later when they meet again.

Yes, it's heart-wrenching.  Yes, it has my arms tingling (not because of numbness but because of the heart-wrenching).  I can't give it a five-star though, it doesn't deserve that.

While I read on, there are just some things that irk me...
1) Felicity Sterling, Duchess of Hollindrake - I read about her first in "Love Letters from a Duke" and can't remember just what the hell went on in that book.  She becomes a Duchess, but I don't remember how, but she's pretty spoiled and high-handed.  Don't think she's changed her ways now
2) The "Dowager Standon Widows" - Lucy included, this trio is completed by Elinor and Minerva.  They are ALL named "Lady Standon" which confuses the hell out of everyone in town, and they all bitch and bicker because they can't seem to get along (of course later on they form some kind of feminine bond).
3) Lucy has a ward nicknamed Mickey.  If that doesn't get you thinking of the "Mickey Mouse Theme" right away, well, I guess you aren't safe anymore since I mentioned it.  Oh, and the dogs.  One of the other Standon Widows owns a shitton of dogs and just thinking of all the yapping and barking makes me have an internal headache.
4) Guess who the father of Mickey is. (actually I read this later & realized something else)
5) In the former half of the book, Clifton's POV says something about his "Roman nose" giving him really good looks or something like that.  With the Nigel Thornberry meme running around the Internet right now, I don't see what having a big warrior-ish nose thing makes someone attractive.  Not only that, but making me think of Nigel Thornberry?  Puh-lease!
6) The Standon Widows are actually NOT OLD.  I wanna say they're in their thirties (the only reason for this being I almost bought another Elizabeth Boyle book and it dealt with one of the other two remaining Standon Widows falling in love again and mentioning something about how Lucy scandalized the family...again.)
7) All the females in this book are crazy bitches.  Straight up.  It's like the Jersey Shore house.
8) It doesn't help that "Clifton" as he is referred to immediately makes me think of "Cliff de Warenne" from Brenda Joyce's A Lady At Last, and thus reminds me of the cover model for that book (Stefan Schwarze).

I'm not quite done with the book yet, but while I give it bonus points for making me feel something in my heart, it is also NOT a good thing and definitely not good timing in my life right now to crave the need for the kind of man that doesn't exist.  So I will have to tack points down again and give this a 2.5/5.  Maybe a 3/5 if I'm generous.  I don't hate the novel, it's just that this damn thing makes me so confused.

No, I'm kidding.  I'm probably giving this a 3.5/5 to a 4.

Gonna finish this book tonight though.  I bought another book at Barnes & Noble a couple of nights ago out of boredom, too.  I have a lot of new books.  But then again I also have a lot of old books that I need to tackle.

Oh, and Comic Con 2011 has come and gone.  I saw Sherrilyn Kenyon again and got her autograph on two books.  And a picture with her.  Yeup.

P.S. I just checked my bookshelf to see what I have.  It turns out I do have another "Bachelor Chronicles" book - one of Boyle's latest: Lord Langley is Back In Town (Minerva).  So that leaves me to get Mad About The Duke.

Fuck it, I know I should be sleeping (editing this at 8:53AM) but I'll just head to Mira Mesa, get a slice of cake, and the book.  Go figure.

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