Saturday, March 5, 2011

Almost there to 100!

So I made another trip to the Downtown Borders today and came out with a few new books, three of them being romance novels and the fourth is part of a manga series that I've been collecting (and neglecting).

So today we have...

Sherrilyn Kenyon - Sins of the Night; Dance with the Devil
Tamara Lejeune - Christmas with the Duchess

I'm currently reading Sherri's "One Silent Night."  Venturing into her world of Dark-Hunters makes me laugh.  It's so fun and from what I've seen so far, great reads!

I had to play a little "feng shui" with my bookshelves just now.  My mom's irritated that all I buy are romance novels.  She doesn't get that this is my hobby.  I don't have a thing for sewing anymore (and I used to), and when I buy these, well, I usually try not to tell her, but she knew I was shopping today so she wanted to see what I bought this time.

Of course, most of my money usually goes to books, but today I ended up paying only $17something for four books on clearance.

Still, I can't believe she's trying to make me feel guilty.  So I ended up moving the damn books off my computer shelf and into the guestroom over the place.

This is bullshit, y'all.  Not cool.

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