Saturday, May 7, 2011

You might be wondering...

Just how did I survive Lent?  I don't know.  I didn't, since I bought books, and I wasn't supposed to.  BUT, I also didn't read any of them (which isn't a surprise, I have like, a billion books ahead of these new ones anyway).

I spent time doing homework and focusing on school (kind of), playing videogames (namely Persona 3 Portable and Lego Harry Potter - again), reading some of Harry Potter 1 (In all honesty, I have never read the book series - just got straight to the movies, and then read 7 for character research on Narcissa) and most of Victoria Gotti's book This Family of Mine.  That one's actually a good read, I really got drawn into it.  Bitch knows how to write, AND she's educated, despite what most people would assume for a mafia daughter with plastic surgery.  I dare y'all to read it.  I haven't finished it yet though but I'm like on the last 1/5 of the book.

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