Thursday, February 10, 2011

More Scandalous Love

I'm up to the start of Chapter Five here, after having a long period of reading while on the stationary bike and stairmaster at the gym this afternoon.  It's pretty good so far, after the sexual-action-that-almost-was had occurred.

Synopsis: Like a good virgin girl, Nicole is lost in the headiness of the sensual pleasure that Hadrian (hereafter referred to as Fabio for the rest of the reviews associated with this) gives her until she "snaps out of it" and they part ways.  Fabio wishes to see Nicole again, but when he returns home, his mommy, who apparently loves to visit, gives him a tongue-lashing and reprimands him for pretending to court a spinster.

On the other hand, about a day or so later, Nicole finds out from her friend Martha that Fabio's engaged to some chick named Elizabeth (which reminds me of a character from a videogame series I've been playing, but that's beside the point), and she instantly sees red.  Furious with Fabio for trying to get with her while being engaged at the same time, she reveals her "true colors" - a girl who defies conformity and rides astride, wearing men's riding breeches (a common theme in Brenda Joyce de Warenne books, from what I've seen) which totally amazes Fabio because it's so unconventional!  So Nic tries to assault him, but fails because she's a chick and Fabio's stronger, and yet he's still got a boner for her anyway, suggesting that after finding out that Nic's a spinster, he'd just loooove to take her virginity.  Of course Nic pretends to be appalled, but she still secretly wants him, and he wants her...

WELL, now that that's over and done with here's what I have to say: I'm in the gym.  There was a guy, relatively in his twenties that plopped into the stationary bike next to mine and it's weird to read these books around people.  But I figure, since it's Fabio, why the hell not?

One of the characters whose name stands out to me is "Stacy Worthington," a rival and general all-around-bitch of the London ton who makes fun of Nicole for being a spinster.  Well, one of my besties is Stacey Worthington, so I'm gonna have to tease her about this when I get the chance!  But the character's one of those demure, evil little debutantes.  Nic's also been betrothed before but left the guy at the aisle, surprisingly. Her parents wouldn't let her hide from society, but for the moment, she's shamed.  Which is why Fabio tries not to mess with her but he wants to anyway.  : )

Till next time, dears!

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