Sunday, May 23, 2010

Continuing on with "Claiming the Highlander"

So all the guys of the two clans want is a woman to warm their bed, make their food, take care of the kids, and clean the house?

FUCK no.  I ain't doing that shit for ANYBODY!

The other thing is that Braden is trying to charm Maggie by calling her "baby" and stuff like that when he's not even in love with her.  It sickens me.  I wonder how I'm gonna get through this book but at least I'm continuing on where I left off.  It doesn't help that she's falling under his spell because she's been in love with him since she was a child, for saving her...on many occasions.

Not the first time I've seen this - the girl falls for the guy when she was a kid and then swears that he's gonna be her hero for the rest of her life?  Does that happen in real life?  It didn't for me!

And it's not like Maggie's got it easy, either.  The ladies are desperate to get back home to take care of their stuff (I'm not sure if they miss being ordered around by their men) and their kids, so they're getting a bit antsy in front of Maggie.  As for the guys, they tied up Lochlan (the clan laird and Braden's brother) as well as Maggie's brothers as hostages.

Seriously, is this how people dealt with situations in the olden days?  I mean one husband here in the book already bitch slapped his wife for refusing to come home!

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