Monday, May 3, 2010

A new book

The Princess Bride: S. Morgenstern's Classic Tale of True Love and High Adventure (real author William Goldman).

I'd intended to buy this book sometime last year when I was out with my friend Stacey at a Barnes & Noble bookstore at a local mall.  We didn't buy it because the larger book was too expensive, and I was probably broke at the time.  But we love the movie, so it's only fair that we also get the book and compare the two.

No, I haven't read it yet, but I just bought it due to the fact that I had a Borders 33% off coupon.  I do tend to buy more books than I can actually read at a time, so there are plenty on my shelf (now 26 new books) that I have to read and review.  Plus...the other 50 or so books that I've read before and...also need to review.

Right now I'm working on a review for the movie Bride and Prejudice, which is pretty long, so I'll try to condense it as best I can without making a complete synopsis of it.  I apologize in advance, because that's usually the first thing I'll do, and then heavily edit later on.

But you all remember the Princess Bride movie, right?  "As you wish," and "true love," "Dread Pirate Roberts," and all that mumbo-jumbo?  Yeah, that one.

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