Saturday, May 1, 2010

What am I working on? Plus, two new books.

I am currently reading Claiming the Highlander by Kinley MacGregor/Sherrilyn Kenyon. As far as I know, I think her regular name is Sherrilyn Kenyon, since that's the pen name she uses for most of her titles as well as her website, obviously

In this book so far, we have one of the MacAllister brothers as our hero/knight in shining armor, Braden, who just happens to be one of those typical "rogues" who love to bed women. And the fact that he "loves all women." Now see, this just reminds me of the movie John Tucker Must Die, where John tells his brother that, " his type." Any girl. Every girl. This recurs in plenty of other books, and of course, in real life (boys, and I mean BOYS, "need" to sow their wild oats. That kind of shit disgusts me, especially with society's double-standards that have been going on for ages).

Anyway, he first shows up in the residence of some nobleman, who was supposed to be away on business.  The nobleman's wife and her two sisters seduce Braden into the lady's bed, but before anything can happen, Braden and the sisters get caught by the nobleman, and the nobleman gives Braden a death threat.  I truly laugh at this part - his ass gets owned & shot down!

And we have our damsel-in-distress, who is not really in distress. Actually, she could be. Her name is Maggie ingen Blar (but somehow I butcher it up and pronounce it "blahhh") and she's secretly had a crush on Braden ever since she was little, even to the point of biting him just to get his attention. That didn't leave a good impression on Braden, more so to the fact that he called her buck-toothed based on the moment.

Years have passed since he's last seen the girl (back to our current time just after the three sisters), and Braden has recently come home only to find that the women of his clan and the women of the rival clan have sworn to forsake being subservient to all men. And who is leading the women to hide from their men? Maggie, of course!  So Braden's brothers take him to the monastery where the women have hid themselves and decides to use his "charm" to try and melt Maggie into a puddle of goo just so he can get all the women to come back home.

"Maggie, my love," he said, his face breaking into one of those wonderful, charming dimpled smiles that could make any woman weak in the knees.
Or worse, weak in the head.
His eyes shown with his confidence. Aye, the man knew he was irresistible.
But worse was the fact that she knew it as well.
"You're just the woman I was coming to see."
"I can imagine that," she said, her voice icy even though there was a treacherous part of her that thrilled at his words.

- from page 34 of Claiming the Highlander

Defiant as she is, Maggie's struggling to control her attraction to him inwardly, though on the exterior she's putting out this tough-girl image and rebukes him, which is about the same as I would've done given being in a situation where a guy I like is trying to charm me for his benefit, rather than actually caring for the girl.  Then again, the description in this book alone was making me melt into a puddle of goo and I don't even know what the guy looks like!  It sounds like some high school thing (again with the John Tucker reference) - the guys only like the chase, they don't actually like the girl.  If I were Maggie, I would've stomped on his foot and slammed the door in his face...then open it back up moments later.

Eventually, Braden decides to be the "protector" for all the women in the clan while they're at the monastery, which spells trouble for Maggie. Obviously he's only doing it to lure the women back home, until later on he hears that Maggie recently became the caretaker for her entire family, due to her older brother being killed in the ongoing feud between the two clans.  The only way the women will go home is if the clans stop warring.

Now I don't know anything about the history of Scotland, but times haven't changed much since then in the world.  You still have street gangs rivaling each other and killing each other, but now guys are just immature rather than chivalrous.  C'est la vie.

And that's the first sixty pages for you.

Apparently, this book is part of a series of books in the Brotherhood of the Sword/MacAllister Novels of Kenyon's repertoire. You'll hear more about this series later. Basically I'm just trying to read the entire series which is about eight books or so.

As for the books I purchased today, the new ones that are not yet on my shelf because they're still in my Target bag (don't you just love how they sell books for 25% off on new releases?) are Suzanne Enoch's A Lady's Guide to Improper Behavior, and Victoria Alexander's Desires of a Perfect Lady.

Later on this week, I'm planning on getting Kat Martin's Rule's Bride and Jo Beverly's The Secret Duke.  I'm not certain yet as us college students rarely ever have money.

You're probably wondering how I'm going to write about each of these books that I have. They really supposed to be in no particular order, as I switched authors and titles every so often even if I have multiple ones in a series. Remember, there's 70+ books to go through, and each moment of reading is a piece of decadent chocolate to me.

Additionally, they're the reason why all my friends have boyfriends and I don't.

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